Matt Ramieri

Dec 1, 20219 min

4M All Riders Newsletter: December 2021

Welcome back to the All Riders monthly newsletter brought to you straight from the Matt Cave!


This is "4M: The Matt Cave Moto Monthly Mailer".


This month comes with all kinds of holiday craziness with gift grabbing for Christmas and Hanukkah, not to mention the rigorous recovery required if you survived the Thanksgiving gluttony galore. It, as we all know, is a time of chaos and confusion, even back before COVID-19 took its toll on the supply chain and other aspects of daily life. Yeah, I know, I had to say it... the big "C" word, which (trust me) I am also very very tired of hearing about every second of every minute of every day. However, I wanted to mention it because it just makes what we, the All Riders do every year, just that much more important now. You see, we have been hosting the All Riders Annual Toy Run for five full years now, and we are about to slap down year number six. I call it "6TR" for the Sixth Annual Toy Run.

The logistics of how we organize the event and how we collect the toys have evolved over the years, but the goal remains the same annually: Gather as many toys as humanly possible and hand them over to the amazing folks at the Toys for Tots organization so that they can use their seasoned, robust distribution system to get the toys Into the hands of the local kids who need them most.

I call it the "One One to Rule Them All" because, to me, it is the greatest cause that we are involved in (the All Riders that is). That's saying a lot, actually, and it may not be fair because these days the All Riders are involved in quite a few ways to honor and give back to the community that nurtures us. If we are not hosting the ride, a whole bunch of us are probably there supporting it. At any local charity motorcycle event, you can be sure you will see at least a few All Riders logos emblazoned with our slogan "All Colors, All Creeds, All Classes." The Toy Run is also the All Riders' first organized motorcycle event ever, and so as long as I am the Captain of the ship, it will continue into the foreseeable future.


Good ole' Bill Hendricks, Warner Brother's Studios Director of Public Relations, gets the credit for coming up with the idea for Toys for Tots, but it was his wife Diane that lit the spark to create the toy-toating freight train of tremendous trans-toy-migration.

You see, one Christmas eve back in 1947, Diane had just finished cobbling together a little doll made of yarn and rags like she had many times before. Entrenched in the cavernous mental depths of his latest project at Warner Brother's, Bill was pacing like a caged cat. As he carved a trail around his living room, a little glimmer of light bounced conspicuously off of something and tip-tapped Bill in the center of his eye. Startled out of his pragmatic preoccupation, the dutiful director felt compelled to investigate. The good husband stopped for a second and took notice of the beautifully crafted figurine that his wife carefully clutched between her fingers. The man could recollect in passing, his wife dabbling and dawdling about with marionettes made of mundane household materials, but this fanciful belle bosted beautiful baubles the likes of which Mr. Bill just had not seen her produce before. He quickly surmised that this "almost artifact" had to have. in fact, been crafted by Diane's very hands, as it bore the trappings of the common cloth and yellow yarn of the previous dolls she had made. The very visible glimmering gilt that grabbed his attention had turned out to be just some simple foil of tin fashioned ever-so fanatically into a feminine fedora atop the head of her fabricated flower-patterned fashionista.

Gobsmacked by the depth of the quality of the doll, Bill regaled his wife Diane with copious complimentary candor and spun her cheeks into a relishing ruby-red. Appreciating the compliment and reveling a bit in her delightful doll, Diane began to chew the cud.. what maybe could she do with this nice new specimen? Surely she knew that the joy she experienced in its creation could only be matched by the joy experienced as a child's miraculous imagination brings It to life. She knew that as she fashioned the fabric and sewed the seams she was one leg into the reverie of decades gone by. Diane nestled the new creation with nostalgia, knowing that as an adult she would never live in the free-roaming realm of a little girl. Only the little ones can build a world where a day filled with hours can become a universe of years- a kingdom built by young magisterial minds.

So, Diane collected her new creation and a few of the others she had fashioned and told Bill that he needed to find an agency that supports children in need. She assumed that many children live below means, and if they could find food and shelter, they certainly would not have the luxury of toys to stir their imaginations.

Bill Hendricks was taken by the concept as his memories of fantastical days of play filled his brain. Complex tears of joy and consternation began to fill his eyes as he remembered his happy childhood and worried that he would not be able to locate the most deserving children in need. Off the top of his head, Bill could not think of any such agency. As he began to search in the following days and weeks, he again came up empty-handed.

When Mr. Bill reported back to his wife that he could not find such an organization, she famously vehemently instructed him to “Go start one!”

Well, it turns out that Mr. Bill was also Major Bill Hendricks of the United States Marine Corps Reserve. Bill decided to reach out to the marines in his LA reserve unit. The response was immediate and overwhelming. The unit wound up collecting and distributing 5,000 toys in 1947.

Based on its success in 1947, In 1948 the Commandant of the Marine Reserves directed all Marine Reserve Sites to implement a Toys For Tots campaign.

As we know, Major Bill Hendrick’s civilian job was Director of Public Relations at Warner Brothers Studios. As such, he hob-knobbed with all kinds of celebrities. Bill realized that he had a veritable cornucopia of wealth brimming around him, so he asked these pillars of the upper crust to help support the newly created Marine Toys for Tots Program.



Interestingly, the famous Toys for Tots miniature three-car train logo was designed by Walt Disney. He was a personal friend of Bill's and decided to create it as a favor to Bill. The Marine Toys for Tots Foundation, an IRS recognized 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit charity, was established in 1991 at the behest of the Marine Corps to help run and support the Marine Toys for Tots Program.


The Foundation raises funds, purchases toys, provides promotional and support materials, manages all funds raised and donated, solicits corporate support, educates the public, and handles day-to-day operations.


Presently, the Marine Toys for Tots Program distributes an average of

18 million toys to 7 million less fortunate children annually.


Fast Forward to 2016, and All Riders: International Motorcyclist Community hosted ITR: The Inaugural Toys for Tots Run. I did not call it that, then, lol. At any rate, we have been doing this every year since 2016, and for 5TR we amassed over 1,000 toys! Not bad for a tiny little motorcycle group. We sincerely hope to see you at 6TR.


A+ Granite and Marble Works: 610 Old Daytona Rd. Deland FL.

8:00am KSU: 9:30am


Entry Fee: AT LEAST 1 $20.00 unwrapped toy per person



What's Happening in December other than the One Run to Rule Them All?

The Sons of Danarchy take All Riders By Storm!

Dan Soucy joins ARC (The All Riders Cabal) and hits the ground running by adding two additional reoccurring rides to his repertoire, while Dan Timonere hosts his first reoccurring ride- a first Weekday ride for those fortunate enough not to have to work on Monday afternoons.

1) 12/1/21:

The Dan's Wednesday R.A.D. (Ride After Dark)

This RAD (ride after dark) is a new Wednesday night ride hosted by Dan Soucy and Dan Timonere that will be in effect until Chuck's Wednesday Ride to Nowhere returns. This ride will always start at the Shell station at the intersection of Howland & Catalina Blvd's in Deltona and will always end at OB's in Deland for their bike night. How we get there will be a mystery and we may not know until we pull out of the parking lot. The ride can last anywhere from 45 to 90 minutes depending on the weather and the route. Hope some of you will join us.

2) 12/3/21:

First Fridays Moto-Meetup: This first Friday we return to our new "usual" First Friday locale: Mellow Mushroom in Port Orange. 5790 Journey's End Way, Port Orange, FL 32127. Funky, art-filled chain pizzeria featuring craft beer, calzones & creative stone-baked pizzas. 7:00pm.

3) 12/6/21:

10:30 am

Weekday Destination RIde with Other Dan:

The inaugural Weekday Destination Ride with Other Dan commences.

The second half of the Sons of Danarchy, Dan Timonere has decided to take the helm in order to bring motorcycle riding bliss to those fortunate few untethered to the daily grind.

Those retired rapscallions and radical refugees from the standard workweek who are looking for that weekday fix finally get what's coming to them.

"Other Dan" will be hosting the WDR every other Monday, so be sure to mark your calendar. The route is up for grabs, and the destination unknown, so just put your riding boots on and show the f#@& up.

Looks like Yellow Dog Eats in New Smyrna Beach will be the inaugural destination, and the ride will end after at Critter's pub in Deltona.

4) 12/12/21

Dan's 2nd Sunday Sunrise Scoot:

Hope you can join us for the second running of "Dan's 2nd Sunday Sunrise Scoot." This month we will meet at the Shell station in Deltona at 2885 Howland Blvd, 32725 at 7:00 am with KSU at 7:15 am. Our breakfast destination this month will be The Beaver Bar in Ormond Beach. After we stuff ourselves and go into a semi-coma, we will head to Flagler Beach via the Ormond Loop. From there, we will make our way down SR-11 where we will end in the parking lot of OB's Restaurant & Lounge in Deland. I hope you can join me in greeting the new day from the perch of our scoots. Dan's "2nd Sunday Sunrise Scoot"...It's Better than Coffee and Won't Make You Pee

Dan's "2nd Sunday Sunrise Scoot"...It's Better than Coffee and Won't Make You Pee...

5) 12/16/21:

Third Thursday Moto-Meetup: Thursday, November 18th. As always, Third Thursdays Bike Night will be at Abbey Bar & Odd Elixir downtown Deland. Amazing staff, great beer, wine, mead, and some finger food to boot. We start at 7:00 pm.

You also get 10% off of your entire bill with your current ARMD membership card.

Check out Abbey Bar:

6) 2/18/21:

Dan's Full Moon Ride: November Edition

The December FMR will be on Saturday, December 18th. We will meet at 6 PM at the Shell station on the corner of Doyle Rd and SR-415 in Osteen with KSU at 6:15 pm. We will go to Frosty King in Edgewater for some frozen treats and then make our way over to the Cabbage Patch for the official end. Please see the event details for all the specifics. Dan's FMR...where all the cool kids go!

7) 12/20/21:

Weekday Destination RIde with Other Dan:

The second half of the Sons of Danarchy, Dan Timonere returns to bring motorcycle riding bliss to those fortunate few untethered to the daily grind.

"Other Dan" hosts the WDR Monday 12/20/21, so be sure to mark your calendar. The route is up for grabs, and the destination unknown, so just put your riding boots on and show the f#@& up.

6) Chuck's Wednesday Ride to Nowhere is OVER! NO MORE WEDNESDAY RIDES UNTIL MARCH! The famous weekday evening ride hosted by the 'Route Master" Chuck "Magnum" Boehm has ended for the season. Chuck returns to Wednesdays in March, so keep your eyes open for more info.

Follow the link above for t-shirts, patches, membership cards, and work shirts.

I return with Angel Gonzalez A.K.A. "Obi-Wan CLeanobi" in M Squared: Angel Gonzalez teaches us how to clean and lube a chain like a Jedi Master.

**Click on the images above to go to RafflePay to buy entries**

The AlpineStar T-GP Plus R V3 Air Jacket raffle is rolling! The is nearly a $300 value! The one we have on hand is XL, but our supporting vendor who donated it, Seminole Powersports North is willing to exchange for another size, or product of equal value if you win!


(*XL-but if it doesn't fit, it can be exchanged for your size)

Winner will be announced at the 6th Annual Toy Run on 12/4/21

You DO NOT need to be present to win.

Proceeds go to the TOYS 4 TOTS organization.

RIGHT NOW: If you buy tickets at RafflePay and you are going to the 6th Annual All Riders Toy Run, then you will get your tickets at the event and you can place them on any item that we are raffling. We are currently raffling the above jacket, a power tool set, and a Magic Game/Dinner excursion worth over $1,000.00!!

All the winners will be chosen at the Toy Run. If you buy tickets and do not attend, then your tickets will go into the jacket raflle. you DO NOT have to be present to win.

Other Information:

As always, if you would like to check out some fantastic reviews and interviews, check out our relevant pages:



If you are new to riding or want to bone up on some group riding info or learn about how we do things at All Riders, check out:

All Riders 101

We also link to the AMA database of motorcycle laws in the USA at All Riders 101.

If you want to learn more about or membership card program: ARMD, go here:

ARMD Network (all Riders Motorcyclist's Discount Network)

Please take some time and check out the rest of the site, and if you have any criticisms, ideas, corrections, or worthwhile general observations, feel free to email me at:


TF DEFENSE ENGRAVING does some seriously badass engraving. ARMD members get either a 10% off


Thanks for stopping by. Rubber down!

